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Privacy Policy

Agama Group is the owner and publisher of content on this website. This privacy statement applies only to the Agama Group website.

This website contains links to other websites; this privacy statement does not apply to those websites. Agama Group respects members` (hereafter referred to as `your` and includes either current or prospective users or members) rights to privacy and the need to protect their personal information.

Agama Group adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 relating to the privacy of your personal information.


Your personal information may be collected by Agama Group when you:

  • provide feedback using online forums and blogs
  • submit an enquiry
  • subscribe to a newsletter
  • access the `Member Only` section of this website
  • make an event booking and/or payment
  • submit some type of form i.e. member survey

Information Agama Group may collect includes:

  • name
  • personal address details
  • contact phone, fax and e-mail address
  • credit card particulars

Agama Group may collect your personal information for the following reasons:

  • provision of member services and advice
  • event registrations and promotion
  • compliance with legal obligations – i.e. annual return to Federal or Victorian Government
  • direct marketing – member bulletins, promotion of special offers from Agama Group affilliates or Corporate Partners


Agama Group takes reasonable precautions to protect your personal information, including utilising available information technology security (firewall and password protected member information)

Your personal information is collected for internal member administrational purposes including, but not limited to, account payment, event registration, compliance with legal obligations, advice of member special offers and discounts and membership attraction and retention activities.

Your personal information will not be sold or distributed to third parties (except as received as part of a member benefit for principal and corporate partners and associate members, as outlined above) for the purposes of direct marketing or statistical analysis.


Any member feedback or enquiry submitted online will only be used by the appropriate Agama Group staff member and/or applicable Agama Group contractor to review your comments and answer any questions posed. Any personal details will not be disclosed to other Agama Group staff and/or third parties.


All Agama Group user or member information sent to members via e-mail i.e. bulletins, newsletters and general member updates are sent to the recipient(s) nominated on the “Membership Application Form” or “Member Details Update” or provided through the website registration.

Any changes made to the nominated recipient(s) need to be communicated to the Agama Group User or Member Services Coordinator via e-mail Requested changes will then be made to the Agama Group user or member database and e-mail distribution list simultaneously.


You can access member information Agama Group holds with respect to you by writing to the Privacy Officer. If any of the information Agama Group holds is inaccurate or incomplete, please advise the Privacy Officer accordingly. The Privacy Officer can be contacted as follows:
  • Privacy Officer
  • Agama Group
  • PO Box 7015