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Terms and Conditions

This website is operated and maintained by Agama Group ABN Number 76139557949 registered address 8 Tarlee Court, Aspendale Victoria 3195 referred to as “our”, “us” and “we” on this website.

Your use of this website is subject to these Terms and Conditions, the terms of our online Privacy Statement and any other laws or regulations which apply to this website. If you do not accept these, you must refrain from using this website.

Periodically, Agama Group will add or remove member information, events, forums, products and services without notice.

Your continued use of this website is subject to your accepting that the information displayed may be changed without notice.

Reference to “website” relates to the whole, or any part of the web pages located on this website including, but not limited to, its design, underlying programming code, text, sound, graphics, animated elements or any other content.


Use of this website does not imply any membership to Agama Group nor to any organisation or other body listed on the website. If you have any questions regarding subscription contact

Refund Policy

The Agama Group refund policy is to provide refunds for products/services according to the refund policy details included in signed agreements between Agama Group and clients. For more information about the refund policy contact

Intellectual Property

All logos, images, graphics, text, designs and recordings contained on this website, hereafter referred to as “material”, is owned by either Agama Group or third party associated trading entities with respect to Agama Group Corporate Partners and Associate Members. Where an image or other material is displayed on this website incorrectly contact and the image or other material will be removed.

Intellectual property rights are protected by Australian law and no unauthorised reproduction of material contained on this website is permitted. For authorisation to use or make reference to material on this website, please e-mail to detail the nature of your request.

Third party websites

The Agama Group website contains links to third party websites due to the nature of their business or non-business relationship with Agama Group.

Although Agama Group staff have met or contacted with representatives from these companies to discuss the suitability of their product/service for use, they cannot warrant their fitness for a particular purpose. You should, therefore, conduct due diligence prior to proceeding with a product/service purchase.

Agama Group staff and/or contractors are also not able to endorse the currency of information contained on third party websites and recommends that you contact the relevant company directly to assess the information.

Data Transmission

Given the ‘open source’ nature of the World Wide Web, Agama Group cannot warrant that any data you transmit via this website is totally secure; members, therefore, transmit data at their own risk.

Agama Group will take all practical steps to protect this information once it is received so as its security can be maintained.

If members become aware of possible concerns with regard to the security of their personal information they should contact Agama Group immediately on(03) 9016 3056.


The content of this website is provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of its content at any time.

This website and the information it contains is provided for general guidance. Whilst the information on this website is intended to be of general assistance, it is not intended as providing professional advice to any person or organisation. You should make your own inquiries as to the appropriateness and suitability of the information on this site for your particular circumstances.

The views expressed by contributors to the Agama Group website (i.e. third party Principal and Corporate Partners and others) are not necessarily endorsed by Agama Group employees, including authors, consultants and editors and may not reflect either the policies or practices of Agama Group.

Additionally, although we have made every effort to ensure that the material provided in downloads is complete, current, reliable, free from error and virus contamination, we do not warrant or make any representation about the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information or whether the download has been corrupted or tainted by viruses.